Hello. I'm Vanessa, and I want to tell you a little bit about me so you know why my passion for health and well-being.
As the good daughter of a homeopathic doctor, I was always immersed in talks and health issues in my house.
I chose to study Communication Sciences because at that time it was what was new to me, in addition to the Bachelor's Degree in International Trade and later an MBA, but my choices and what I really expanded my Being was everything that had to do with health, well-being, and spirituality, that's why, although I was already working in the academic sphere, by the hand I started one of my favorite Certifications, as Master of Kundalini Yoga, and I say favorites, because these studies led me to become more aware of the Being in hisAll Body - Mind and Spirit.
Once these studies were completed, my interest in the implementation of healthy habits in my life began, which did not always yield good results, because I did not have a method, I did it with how little I knew at the time, they were up and down, fallen and lifted, until, I chose to certify myself in the Coaching of Change of Habits, so I began to have getting better and better results in my life, because I did it with a methodology, I did it with more solid foundations that made the results go longer,I began to have more awareness of the contribution they were in my life and this gave me easier, so much so that I began to help other people transform their lives with Coaching, on the other hand, hand in hand with what I learned in my Kundalini Yoga Certification, the results were great, because people came to a place with themselves, with their bodies and with their lives totally different, a place of change and transformation in all areas of their life.
And the path to expansion continued, because having these certifications led me to choose more from me, to choose more consciousness, and so I know one of the energy techniques that has contributed the most to me to have joy and ease in my life, Access Consciousness. Access is a technique that has many easy and very practical tools in the day to day. I chose to certify myself in several of them, such as: Access Bars, Energetic Facelift, Body Processes and Possibility Symphony. Each one, I take myself to a different space of consciousness, led me to create a reality different from the one I had already defined that it had to be in many aspects of my life as my body, my finances, my business, my relationships, etc., and empowered me to know that I always know what is of greatest contribution in my life, that I like that being infinite and limitless that I really am (as you are), I know everything, that I can never be wrong and that if there is something that does not contribute to my life I can always choose something different. And they don't know the peace, the quiet, and the joy I experience today in my life.
That's why I also chose to contribute to the world by giving sessions of each of these tools, Access Bars, Energy Facelift, Body Processes, Symphony of Possibilities that, accompanied by Kundalini Yoga, and Coaching, in Cambio, Habits have had surprising results in my consultants.
How much are you willing to empower yourself, to create the life you want, the body you want, the reality you have always dreamed of?